
Shipping methods
  • Postpac Priority
    • Postpac Priority provided by the Swiss Post is our standard shipping method.
    • Orders are typically sent Monday to Friday on the day after production has been completed.
    • Corporate customers generally receive their orders by 10:00 am.
    • Larger deliveries may be split into several packages.
  • Swiss-Express “Mond”
    • For even faster delivery, please select the Swiss-Express “Mond” option.
    • The goods will be delivered Monday to Saturday between 7:00 am and 9:00 am on the day after production has been completed.
    • Larger deliveries may be split into several packages.
    • This shipping method incurs an additional fee. This fee will be included in the total price shown in the product configurator.
  • Same Day Express 
    • For pick up or delivery on the same day, please choose between «Same Day afternoon», «Same Day evening» or «Same Day pick up».
    • This delivery service is availabel for certain regions within Switzerland only.
      > more information to our delivery terms in «INFORMATION» – «Same Day Express».
  • Collection by customer
    • You can also pick up most of your print products yourself. This ability will be shown in product configuration step.
    • Your products will be available for collection from 4:00 pm on the day of completion. Please take note of our opening hours.
    • You will receive email notification when your products are ready to be picked up.
    • The collection address is: bc medien ag, Pumpwerkstrasse 11, 4142 Münchenstein
  • Letters dispatch
    • On request we will gladly organise the mail-out for you. The options available for various products can be found directly in the product configurator. Please send us a filled-out dispatch list (DS), or let us create one for you. To do so, we will require the invoice reference number from the Swiss Post.
  • Other shipping methods
    • In the case of very bulky products or very extensive/heavy deliveries, we reserve the right to use a different type of shipping to the method you have selected. This includes package freight on palettes provided by a logistics partner or direct delivery using one of our own vehicles.
    • If possible, we will make sure to meet the latest delivery time specified in your order.
    • In exceptional cases this will not be possible, in which case we will contact you in advance.
    • We will cover any additional costs.
Delivery times
  • The standard delivery times (approximate times) provided refer to the typical delivery times. endeavours to adhere to these times; however, we cannot guarantee that deadlines will be met.
  • If you have chosen the “Advance payment” option, the delivery time starts after we have received your payment confirmation via email or fax.
  • The delivery times provided for orders including proofs and/or layout service only start after you have approved the final artwork.